
Cerys in the bluebells (sorry not my garden)

I believe passionately that it is perfectly possible to have a beautiful garden when you have dogs and this site is devoted to ideas which can help you do that.

Some of my articles are more orientated to the canine side of this topic and these pages will appear under this heading, however all my articles have some relationship to gardening.

To meet the garden and dogs, please look at our introduction video.

I currently have just two dogs, both bitches – Cerys and Ruby.  Cerys is eight and Ruby is three and they are both Welsh Springer Spaniels.  The garden has had to cope with the trials and tribulations of  them both growing up.  Over the last twenty plus years, I have always had at least one dog.  When Cerys was a puppy, I had four bitches and hopefully we should have a new puppy later this year.

More information on the dogs is available on the Barhi website.

The dogs have complete access to the garden and it has been designed to cope with these pressures.  The planting also bears the dogs in mind, I just regard them as another factor to be taken into account, like soil conditions and aspect of the garden.  I tend not to have small delicate plants, especially not in high traffic areas, but still find spaces for my particular favourites such as cyclamen.  The dogs are trained not to eat plants, except for grasses, which I cannot stop.  Thankfully dogs seem to know better than humans which plants actually are grasses and which ones just look like them.

Canine articles published on this website, so far, are

2 Responses to “Dogs”

  1. bobbie Gratz Says:

    Hello Finula,
    I still want to get to see your garden. ron is still working in Lancaster. Will you be on tour this coming summer?

    1. Barhi Says:

      Hi Bobbie

      Not sure of our showing plans this year, but sure we can be around when you are 🙂

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