Gratz Garden is in Lebanon, Ohio, USA and is a registered historic daylily garden with the American Hemerocalis Society.  It is owned by Bobbie and Ron and shared with their five Welsh Springers – Dede, Tory, Bella, Lenny and Alec.

The garden covers 2.5 acres.  The lawns around the house lead down to a large pond surrounded by woodland.

In 2008, there was a straight line storm with gale force winds.  They lost several trees, but gained the opportunity to create this beautiful hosta glade.

There is always plenty of wildlife around in the garden.  This didn’t cause any issues with the dogs until Alec arrived – but he just loves to swim.   In Springtime, Bobbie has to check the pond before letting the dogs out.  If the geese or ducks have brought their babies for a swim, then Alec has to be kept on a lead until they have had their turn.

Fortunately, Bobbie’s Amour (grass carp) keeps the lotus at bay!!   He leaves enough along the edges of the small pond, to allow for some beautiful blooms each summer!  Before he came she had to have someone come and spray to kill them………..they were taking over the pond!!

Bobbie has created this beautiful arbour room surrounded by her favourite hostas.  In all, she has around 370 cultivars – I suppose you might describe her as an addict.

The dogs can always be relied on to help with the gardening – here, Lenny and Alex are keeping a watchful eye on the progress of a new daylily bed.

Hermocalis Flying Sauser  Flory 1956

The garden boasts six daylily beds containing over 300 cultivars – it must be a wonderous sight.  Bobbie’s favourite is this beautiful yellow – Flying Sauser Flory (1956).

Close to the house, Bobbie takes the opportunity to showcase some dainty little beauties.

These are a few of Bobbie’s ‘Sum and Substance’ hostas.  They love the afternoon sun and whilst people just don’t believe it…………..but many hosta are ok in sun.  These are on the West side (back) of the house and get from about 3pm to 6pm sun each day, as the woods shield them after that.

4 Responses to “Gratz Garden”

  1. Alex Says:

    Bobbie that is truely beautiful.Is Ron back in the states?

  2. bobbie gratz Says:

    Hi Alex, He comes home about one wee a month! But he loves his work, and I hold down the fort until he gets here lol ! Gotta do what you gotta do 🙂 Come see us sometime!! B

  3. Wendy Grudniski Says:

    Bobbie, your garden is truly beautiful as are your lovely Welsh! Thanks for helping me find this site & sharing your photos. Gardening is also a passion of mine!
    Wendy (from BC)

    1. bobbie gratz Says:

      I hadn’t seen this post Wendy. Glad you liked the gardens and the Welsh lol !!

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